Roasted Veggies

Roasted Veggies
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 summer squash
  • 1 yellow summer squash
  • 2 medium onions
  • Can throw in broccoli too!
  • Slivered garlic or chopped garlic scapes (or both)
  • Chopped parsley sprinkled
  • over all veggies
  • Oil of choice
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Get Ingredients

Chop all vegetables and garlic.

Toss all ingredients in oil until well coated.

Make a tin foil packet. Place veggies and herbs into middle of packet .

Fold up sides and seal tin foil either by folding or feel free to use your stapler. Not a typical cooking utensil I know!

Place packet in over and bake at 350° F for about 30 minutes. This can also be placed on the grill while you are enjoying your summer barbeques.

This is so wonderful because it is so versatile. If you put in your summer squash and zucchini this week, next week you can put in potatoes and any other veggies you may get. Great way to change up an otherwise similar meal!

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